Monday, August 16, 2010

How to Make Articles Unique

Do you own dozens of Private Label articles, and want to make them unique to escape search engine 'duplicate content' filters? Here's how to make your private label content unique - quickly and easily. It isn't rocket science, all you need is your word processor...and your wits!

1.Write a short introduction to the article, explaining what's in it and what your reader can expect to learn from it.

2.Half-way through the article, break the flow with a short editorial comment or a summary of what's been said until then, or 'preview' of what's coming.

3.At the end of the Private Label article, briefly summarize the primary message of the article, add a link to resources with more information or simply thank readers for visiting and invite them back.

4.The finished Private Label article will be completely unique, and significantly different from all other owners of the same content.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How to Choose a Blog Host

Building a blog website is facilitated by selecting a suitable hosting plan according to your needs and budgets. There are lots of hosting plans to choose from hosting providers, so be sure to read these steps to avoid the gimmicks.

1. Look for a company that is professional, reliable and responsible. It is important to sign up with one that has a 24-hour customer support line (for when your site goes down), and a money-back guarantee would be an excellent perk as well.

2. If your website used PHP or ASP, PERL, make sure the host supports it. Also, if you use .htaccess to monitor your traffic, your host

3. Be aware of how much disk space you’ll need. Most sites need less than 50 megabytes, but if you use lots of images and video and audio clips, you might need a little bit more space. You’ll also want to give yourself a bit of space for growth, or at least build this into your future goals.

4. Determine your bandwidth needs. This is done by a simple formula: page size (including clips and graphics) multiplied by page views per month. So, if you have 2000 hits to your main page that is 1 megabyte every month,then that is 2000 MB or 2 gigs per month.

5. Find out how many domains you can have. If you want to have multiple domains, make sure that your host will allow them. Multiple domains are a good idea if someone mistypes your URL.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

How to Connect Your PS3 to a Wireless Mobile Broadband Connection Using Wi Fi

1. Google "PS3 Media Server"

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2.Download the latest version from the top link listed. The website should be a sub domain of blogspot.

3.Install the software and unless you know what you are doing just set up all defaults.

4.Share the folder(s) n your computer that you want to be able to access with your PS3.

5.Now make sure that your wireless is ON in both your router, and your PS3.

6.Add your WiFi connection to the PS3 under Settings (most likely this has already been done if you've owned your PS3 for some time.)

7.Search for media servers under Audio/Video and your should see PS3 Media Server as one of the options.

8.Select PS3 Media Server and browse it like you would on your computer.

9.If the file is supported by your PS3 then it will just play it, if the file is not supported (it will say bad date, or file is corrupted or something along those lines) the PS3 Media Server has on the fly transcoding which recodes your video or audio file on the fly into a format the PS3 can read/play. (Just select transcoded at the top the folder in which the file exists.)
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